Смотрите также связанные темы 19.08.2018 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - новая программа от создателей RogueRemover Pro и About:Buster и других популярных утилит, предназначенная для быстрого сканирования системы в поисках различных видов вредоносного ПО.
03.09.2018 Anti-Malware.ru протестировал быстродействие антивирусов Российский независимый информационно-аналитический портал Anti-Malware.ru опубликовал результаты первого в своем роде сравнительного теста антивирусов на быстродействие и потребление системных ресурсов. Далее
09.09.2018 Reinventing computer security We announced an exciting new technology today that changes the way computers are protected against malware, significantly increasing the level of computer security.
The new McAfee Artemis Technology uses a new service hosted in the cloud by our Avert Labs to provide protection in milliseconds when a computer gets hit by suspicious computer code. That’s a [...]
23.09.2018 Norman Malware Cleaner Norman Malware Cleaner - бесплатная утилита, которая после запуска сканирует ПК, обнаруживает и удаляет с компьютера различные виды вредоносного ПО.
15.10.2018 Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - October 2008 A Critical Patch Update is a collection of patches for multiple security vulnerabilities. It also includes non-security fixes that are required (because of interdependencies) by those security patches.
25.10.2018 Mobile Phones Are Vulnerable to Attack We just posted a new feature article on the McAfee Security Advice Center called: Tips for Safeguarding Your Mobile Phone from Malware.
Check it out and you’ll find 8 tips to keep your mobile device safe from cyber attacks.
Also, you will find an invitation to download a new product called McAfee Mobile Anti-Theft (BETA) - [...]
27.10.2018 FTC Shuts Down “HerbalKing” Spam Ring On Wednesday, October 14, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission reported that it shut down and froze the assets of a huge international spam gang called the “HerbalKing” group “that peddled prescription drugs and bogus male-enhancement products.”
The next day The New York Times report that the HerbalKing spam gang was capable of sending out 10 billion [...]
05.11.2018 Companies Spend $250M on Microsoft Vulnerability…Unless They’re with McAfee As most of you now know, on 10/23, Microsoft announced a critical out-of-cycle patch (MS08-067) to fix a flaw being exploited by hackers. The vulnerability affects all major versions of Microsoft Windows. In just a matter of moments, attackers can gain total remote control of a system and install malware, keyloggers, and Trojans. A successful [...]
05.12.2018 Слишком полезная опция Google Chrome На скриншоте представлен фишинговый сайт, который использует Google AdWords в качестве приманки. Он создан для хищения пользовательских данных от аккаунта Google AdWords и кредитной карты. Теперь посмотрите снова. Обратите внимание на то, что предлагает браузер. Внимательный человек не сохранил бы свой пароль на этом сайте.
12.02.2018 Valentine’s Day spam targets kids and parents Valentine’s Day is this weekend. A day for love. A day for romance. A day for malware? Apparently so. When I mention “malware” in a room with everyday people, their eyes glaze over and they change the subject. Makes me wonder if people actually know (or care ) what malware is. It occurred to me [...]