Смотрите также связанные темы 22.01.2018 6% компьютеров в мире заражены червем Conficker “Из двух миллионов проверенных ПК этим типом червя было заражено 115000. Такого мы еще не видели со времен эпидемий Kournikova или Blaster”, - говорит Луис Корронс, технический директор PandaLabs.
26.03.2018 Conficker is no joke Even if the calendar says April 1, security isn’t a joking matter. A worm called Conficker may come back with a roar on April Fool’s Day. While this may be a prank and the actual event could be immaterial, you should make sure your computer systems are protected against this pest.
For many security professionals, including [...]
01.04.2018 The Conficker Time Warp Back in 2001 I was sitting at my desk (or card table as it were) getting Foundstone off the ground as a fledgling startup. At the time we were trying to make sense of 9/11 and what it meant for our country as well as our business. As we pondered the future, we were brought [...]
02.04.2018 April 1 Passes Without Major Conficker Incidents As the sun sets in California I thought I should provide an update on Conficker, the Windows computer worm that some predicted could wreak havoc on the Internet today.
Leading up to April 1st there has been a lot of speculation about a mass activation of the Conficker worm. Researchers at McAfee Avert Labs have [...]
02.04.2018 Conficker заразил компьютерную сеть израильской армии В конце прошлой недели во внутреннюю сеть израильской армии (ЦАХАЛ), именуемую "ЦАХАЛ-NET", проник компьютерный вирус Conficker. Военные раввины "благословили" борьбу с вирусом.
03.04.2018 First Conficker - now your router? After all the hype around Conficker, I thought I would try to provide some soothing thoughts. For just a minute, imagine a calm place where malware is banished from attacking your PC. No more terrible Tuesdays from Microsoft. No more worrying about the latest worm ready to commandeer your systems for fun and profit. Just [...]
03.04.2018 Тихое возвращение Conficker Компания Panda Security комментирует возобновление активности напугавшего весь мир вируса Conficker, которое состоялось 1 апреля.
07.04.2018 Лаборатория PandaLabs опубликовала отчет за первый квартал 2009 года В первом квартале 2009 года количество новых программ-шпионов возросло на 10%. Трояны и рекламное ПО продолжают оставаться самыми распространенными типами вредоносного ПО. Червь Conficker стал «темой» квартала.
11.04.2018 Corporate News: Kaspersky Lab analyses new version of Kido (Conficker) A new version of the malicious program Kido (aka Conficker and Downadup) has been detected by Kaspersky Lab; computers infected with Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Kido (aka Conficker.c) have now contacted each other over P2P, telling infected machines to download new malicious files, thus activating the Kido botnet.
21.04.2018 Predictive Security The year started off really well for malware authors, with the Conficker worm infecting millions of computers. Threats are not only increasing on a daily basis but they are also getting smarter in leveraging multiple vectors (Web, e-mail) and social aspects of Internet for propagation, infection.
Business as usual in dealing with these threats will only [...]